Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Packing 2008 away, bring on 2009....

The lovely Snow White here,

Is this year over yet? I’m ready to pack 2008 away and bring out the new 2009. It’s always refreshing starting a new year, looking at all the possibilities of what’s to come. Maybe this will be the year I find my prince. I won’t keep my fingers crossed though. I’m in no rush but at times I sit back I wonder what the hell I’m doing wrong. I’m hanging with a bunch of friends tonight and couldn’t be happier that I am starting the New Year with them instead of some stupid boy I will probably never see again.

The problem though with spending New Years with friends and only friends (no outside people – so there’s no possible way that I am going to meet someone new) is the kiss. You know the one where everyone screams “Happy New Year” and then you kiss the person you are with. Well this year there is no person to kiss, other than my friend that I am moving in with– at least the boys will get a kick out of it, who doesn’t like girl-on-girl action? Oh, well at least it’s something right?

This year has been an extremely hard one for me in the relationship department. Trying to get over and move on from The Ex has proved to be much harder than I originally thought ten months ago. I’ve dated a couple people off and on – There was The Drunk, who you can tell by his name was a no brainer to get rid of. Very childish and one of the biggest light-weights I’ve ever met. It’s pretty sad when your 5’ girl-friend can out drink a grown man. There were lots of random guys met at bars that were fun to hangout with that night where I had the fullest intention of waking up and calling the next day but never did, most likely because when I woke up I realized I wasn’t that interested.

Then there is Gym Monkey who I would never be able to have a relationship with but is lots of fun to mess around with. We are two completely different people who could never have a serious relationship. I am happy with our relationship as it is, no strings can be a wonderful thing now and again. It works for us both. Anyways that pretty much sums up my pathetic love life of 2008 – one of the worst so far. So I’m packing it up tonight and shoving it in the back of my closet where it will collect dust and be forgotten. Let’s hope that 2009 doesn’t get shoved in there next to it. I can hope at least……..

Hope everyone has a wonderful New Year and may it bring everything you wish or hope for. I know I’m happy to see it’s finally here.

1 comment:

Buttercupyaya said...

clinking my glass to yours my dear Snow White, hoping that 2009 brings you more happiness and enlightenment than you can ask all the good ways.
<3 Dana