Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Past 3 Months....

Hi guys it's Cinderella...remember me?!! After being called out by Snow White I figured I needed to get my ass onto our blog and bring everyone up to date about my past 3 months :) Well the main reason I have gone missing is that yes, I have finally found a frog that could very well be my prince! Its been an awesome 3 months of being with... Mr.Right. He is the most caring, understanding, and sweetest man I have ever been with. He says what he means and is never misleading in his actions. He tells me he loves me, that I am the only girl he wants to be with and that I am amazing to him. We actually go out and do things like go to the aquarium or hiking at deception pass or just something as simple as making dinner and watching movies. I have never been with another person who wants to experience things other than parties, bars and drinking and drugs or who treats me as if I am just the person to fill in the blank space for a moment. I feel safe with him and know that I can count on him to be there and call me back when I call him for God's sake. I forgot how good it feels to have comfort of knowing that when you call a guy he is A) going to answer or B) going to call you back within the hour. Its really silly to think about what I got use to or gave excuses for when thinking back about all the guys that I dated when i was single. I was a complete idiot when thinking back on the last 2 years of dating.

I would let guys get away with so much.... like breaking dates over text messaging and then not answering the phone when I called to get an answer of what the hell was going on. Or being the week girlfriend and never the weekend date. Or being okay with a guy who told me that he couldn't date me anymore because he was thinking about his ex!! REALLY...I should of bitch slapped the lot of them and called it good, but instead I just took it up the ass and made them my friends. I was so naive and now can see my mistakes because Mr.Right has shown me what it really means to love someone and treat them as your equal.

Of course I have my reservations but just mainly because I am afraid to fully show everything about myself. I'm scared that there will be some aspect of me that isn't completely ideal to him. It's ridiculous to hold out because of this sort of notion but I can't help it. He seems to perfect to be real. Honestly I need to get over myself, but it's really hard when you have been disappointed in the male race!

That being said... I am still have a wonderful time being adored and cherished and living life to its fullest with Mr.Right. I have meet most of his family (that's another story) and I love them and his 41/2 yr old daughter. I feel right at home with them all, and I'm sure I will have many other things to blog about as this relationship develops... Until then just know I haven't forgotten about you, that I am just having a fabulous time!


1 comment:

Buttercupyaya said...

Totally stoked for you Cinderella. :) Glad you found your way to the ball.