Monday, December 15, 2008

Unexpected Date

First of all, I'd like to say kudos to Snow White for Moving on(:

Now, I've been through some annoying ups and downs with the frogs out there, so after Sweater Vest, I decided to give up the dating for awhile. I decided to not date anyone and to focus on school. Forget these guys, they only cause stress and heart ache for me, who needs'em.

So, it's finals week...I'm working my ass off trying to do my best work, and I find myself working on a 2min film. Well...I don't know anything about Apple computers and media software, so I've been working with this guy in my class. Let's call him...Beanie Boy (he's always wearing a beanie).

A little background information on Beanie Boy: Very tall about 6ft., brown eyes and hair, a little dorky, graduating from UW this Spring, 24years old, and a Libra. I do know more but we'll start with this, haha.

Ok, so I'm working in the Media Center with Beanie Boy all day. Probably like 8 hours. And before this we've been flirting in class. He likes to kick me like we're in elementry or something, and he compliments me in funny ways. I think that I find him adorable. Well, in these 8 hours he asks me random questions like he has a gay Aunt, and how do I feel about this. He wants to know how religious I am, and if I want kids. I swear, I told him my whole life story. I just honestly feel so comfortable around him.

Well, next thing you know it's night time and we decide to go have dinner. See, before, I just considered this a flirty thing at school. No big deal, I mean, I'm not dating anyone, right!? And next thing you know, I'm on an official dinner date! We're at dinner and he's asking me more about my life. No one does that! Not now anyway. It's great! And he of course picks up the check. He hugs me and wants to call me on winter break. Because we're not going to see eachother like at school.

It's just funny that one minute I swear men off and the next I'm on an unexpected date. WTH?
More to come on Beanie Boy.


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