Monday, December 15, 2008

Moving On......

A new era in my life is coming and I am welcoming the change with open arms. I’m just having a really hard time getting it started. I haven’t ever talked about The Ex on this blog. He is one of my best friends, my landlord, and the guy I love. Oh, you read the landlord part – pretty weird I know. He owns a duplex and lives on one side while I rent the other side, it’s actually been really nice because I absolutely love living by myself- but the time has come for me to move on. We constantly fight because we both still have feelings for each other but just can’t seem to make it work.

I am moving in with one of my other best friends who lives in a house about three minutes away from where I currently live. I know it’s still really close but at least it’s not in my face close. The Ex and I have been trying to break it off for a little over a year and just can’t seem to do that either. I know he thinks of me as his best friend as well and we have been trying to keep our friendship as strong as it is while trying to separate ourselves from each other. I hope that makes sense? Well, I’ve come to the realization that this just isn’t possible. No matter what either one of us does its going to hurt the other person. It hurts when I leave my house in the morning to go to work and I see he didn’t make home the night before (he is currently dating another one of his ex-girlfriends – whatever!!!) And I know it hurts him when I don’t come home, I’ve always been completely honest with him when it comes to who and when I’m dating someone – so he knows all about Gym Monkey.

We both realize that this relationship isn’t going to work and we want to start dating other people, we just don’t want the other person to date other people. Which is incredibly selfish and childish but when you’re hurt you pretty much don’t care if you are acting your age or not. I’m having a really hard time starting this moving process though – I don’t want to say goodbye to the friendship that I have with him. I know once I move out our friendship is going to drastically change. While I will most definitely be a lot happier it’s still really hard letting it go. I’m hoping that once some time has gone by that we can pick up where we left off after both of us has healed. While I’m friends with all my ex’s the friendship never seems the same after you break up. I really wish that doesn’t happen to us.

On a happier note, I’m really excited to move in with my friend, she is going through the exact same thing as me and we are going to help each other through it. We are going to have a blast with all the parties and boys and cryfests and more boys. So this is the week, the week I get my ass into gear and make myself move. I should be all moved in and settled by the new year and ready to move on!!! Wish me luck for good things to come for the coming year and no more drama – I’ve had enough of that in the last year to last me a lifetime.

Till next time,

Snow White

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