Tuesday, December 23, 2008

How old am I again???

Snow White here......

Went to see Four Christmases with Gym Monkey last week. Um, I cant tell you if it was good or not.........

I will say there were only 7 other people in the theater with us.... We were in the very back row....... We didn' pay any attention during entire first 45 minutes.......

All I can say is that I had lots of fun.......The movie - not so great.

Hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas!!!!


Buttercupyaya said...

not so Snow White after all, huh? Maybe give the movie another shot...it was pretty funny when I went, then again my attention was very centered...on the movie that is! You little whore!

Beast is uber proud of you and more than a tad jealous. :)

Sea Full of Frogs- Dating Stories said...

Oh Snow White, tsk, tsk...
Haha. You're crazy!
And I will say the movie is hilarious.
love you, Ariel