Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Really Know How to Make a First Impression

Snow White here!!!

Ok, I have been very casually dating someone for the past month. I thought that I would just write about how we met. It was at a bar, so I was drunk, I sort of made a fool out of myself. What better way to start out with the stories than one where I make an ass out of myself.

The princesses went out for Ariel's 26th birthday to a local bar/club to celebrate about a month ago. And I seriously drank a little too much - not puking too much, just I'm going to possibly make an ass out of myself too much. At around 11 o'clock I grab Cinderella by the hand and say “let's walk around this place and find some cute boys.” We both looked pretty hot so I knew that it was only going to be a matter of seconds before someone wanted to talk to us, right? We start out walking through the "Hip-Hop" dance room, no luck there. We then walk through to the other side of the bar and walk through the other dance floor, I notice one cute guy by the bar and as I walk by I look behind me and give the coy "I think you're cute" smile - you know the one ladies. We then proceed to the outside deck area, where we find NOBODY!!! I don’t know if it was unattractive night or what but it was full of unapproachable people. So, we turn around to go back inside and I'm thinking to myself at least there was the one guy by the bar. As we pass him I make eye contact and give the "I'm interested smile" (because those two smiles are completely different), and proceed to walk away. Cinderella then says "he just winked at you!", and of course I miss it!!! Dang it!! We are already half way across the bar by now - oh well, I’ll give it a few before I go over there again.

There was no need to, after about two minutes I'm talking to some other friends and low and behold who is standing behind me? The cute guy! I know I was pretty excited about it myself. But wait, he's talking to one of my friends, so I turn around and ask my friend if she knows this guy - pointing and all. Apparently they've known each other for awhile, so I let them talk and continue my conversation with a couple of my friends - feeling a little defeated at the time. After about five minutes I get sick of waiting for their conversation to end and I turn around and blurt out in my ever so sexy drunk voice "when are we going to talk, cause I know you followed me over here." Pretty smooth, if ask me. He says with a huge smile on his face "just give me one more sec and I'm all yours". Wait, did you just tell me to hold on a sec? This is not starting out good.

I continue to talk to my friends and he finishes up his conversation. We then walk out of the crowd and do the whole introduction thing. You know the name, how old, what do you do conversation.... Come to find out he owns his own business as a personal trainer. That's when I start trying to remember the last time I even went to the gym or did anything that could be considered exercise. Does walking outside to get the mail count? Or wait, I just went grocery shopping and totally had to walk around the grocery store- that definitely counts as exercise. He then asked me for my phone # before he forgot to get it. He enters it, I look at it and say "Yep, that's my number". We continue to talk about things that I have no recollection of, this is where it starts to get interesting. I do remember saying that the band that was playing sucked and then found out that it was his friend’s band and that was the reason why he was there in first place. I seriously need to learn how to keep my mouth shut sometimes.

We are continuing to talk and are getting along pretty good. I then get this really strong urge to kiss him. And blurt out while he is mid-sentence "I really want to kiss you". And him being the male that he is, says "then go for it". Yep folks, we were those really classy people making out in the middle of the bar, but we don’t care cause we're drunk. We talk, kiss, then talk again, and kiss again. It pretty much goes like this for another hour. Cinderella then informs me that one of our friends is drunk and needs help to the car. I tell, lets call him Gym Monkey (cause of his job....I don’t know), that I will be right back. So we get our friend in the car and she is safe and sound, I run back in the bar to say goodbye to my new found friend. Except he's gone..... I literally looked everywhere and found nothing!!! I get really sad, and just hope that he calls me later.

Fast forward to that Monday, still no call from Gym Monkey, have pretty much chalked it up to a fun kissing session. I forgot to tell you he's one of the best kissers too. He does that thing where he holds your face and then stops the kiss just to look in your eyes thing, AMAZING, but I digress. So I log onto Myspace (cause isn’t that what we all do when we get to work on Monday morning), and what do I see? Is that a friend request? From whom you ask, Gym Monkey. And I'm thinking to my self, what the hell?? You don’t have the time to call but you have the time to track me down on Myspace? I accept his request and promptly ask him this question. Later that day he responds with "You gave me the wrong number, I tried to call you that night cause I couldn’t find you and some guy answered at the phone # you gave me. At this point I start hysterically laughing, cause I can just picture him calling me at 1:30am trying to find my drunk ass and then having a dude answer the phone.

So, we exchange numbers and he ends up calling later that day, we promptly make plans for our first date. Later that day I was thinking over all of these events and then realized something…….. If I were a guy and tried to call some girl I met at a bar and it ended up being the wrong number I would think that she purposely gave me the wrong number. Would I then track this so called person down on Myspace just to find out if she actually gave me the wrong #? NO! Because then it would make me look like a creepy Myspace guy…… I promptly call him and tell him this of course.

1 comment:

Buttercupyaya said...

And THIS is why so many of us LOVE you.