Friday, October 10, 2008

The dating past of Cinderella (the short version)

Hi, I'm Cinderella. Let me tell you a little about myself before I dish out all the juicy stories of my dating adventures. I'm 26 yrs old going on 27 soon and I have the perfect job, family, and friends. I love my life I have had alot of awesome moments. I'm definately open to new experiences and I am willing to try something a least once. I'm a little on the ditzy side and definately have my "blonde" moments ;) but at the same time I'm intelligent and know what I want. The only real recurring problem in my life is my love life. It has always been a huge disater zone for me! I should practically have warnings signs stapled to my butt saying "Warning this area of her life is totally messed up. Enter at your on risk!". Not that I'm crazy or that I am someone uncapable of love. It's just that I don't know how to pick them and it seems to me that god maybe playing a huge practical joke on me! j/k. I'm not that pathetic :) Just haven't found the one yet, but I have high hopes that I will and it will be sublime.

Unlike Cinderella my dating life has not been from rags to riches. More like from rags to a potato sack covered in mud. What I'm trying to say is that most of the men I have dated have ended up being complete disappointments. It always starts out being amazing and lots of fun but eventually ends in tears. Usually mine. I take complete responsibility in these disasters because its definitely my choice in men and the fact that sometimes I ignore the signs that they will be terrible mistakes, especially if I really like the person. I have this annoying habit of thinking that the irresistible perfect man is the bad boy who I should of ran in the opposite direction rather than go flying in their all so welcoming arms! The only great thing about these dating experiences are the many really funny stories I have to go along with them (and believe me they are a lot!)

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