Tuesday, December 29, 2009

This is Why You Should Never Date Friends

Ok, so I thought that I would tell you about the boyfriend that I broke up with a couple of months ago. I've known him for years as he is a really good friend of my Crazy Ass Ex. Let me explain here, I normally have very strict rules on who I date -
1. Never date your friend's current or ex-boyfriends
2. Never date ex-boyfriend's friends
3. Never date someone who has a girlfriend (if you know, you are just as bad as the cheater)
4. Never date people with bad hygeine - cause that's just gross.

It all started in April.....I'm going to have to admit, I had been drinking (shocking, right?), and I had just gotten into another ridiculous fight with my ex, so I was feeling a little bitter at the time. It's all a little fuzzy on how it actually started but somehow BS (those are his initials, I cant think of a better name right now) and I end up making out. Now later we come to find out that we have both been attracted to each other for over a year. But since I was dating his friend there was zero chance of anything ever happening. Well, piss a girl off and things that were off the table just got put back on.

We started seriously dating after that, needless to say it ruined any friendship either of us had with The Ex. We didnt care, we were in love. He was hilarious, and I dont mean chuckle every now and then funny, I mean tears rolling down your face on an hourly basis funny. He was charming, he had a good job, he got along with my family (which is a very big deal to me, my parents have hated almost every boyfriend I've ever had), he got along with all my friends, and the sex was mind-blowing. I was turned into a bubbly, giggling, girly mess. I know you know what I mean when I say that, people in love are annoying. Annoying because we are jealous.

I thought I was in heaven, Until little things started happening, he mentioned he never wanted to be married or have kids. Now, I'm not saying that I want any of that right away, but eventually I would like to do these things. And it was constant, he just couldn't let it go. Then I found out he had these weird depressing moments that would last about a week. This may sound heartless, but I cant deal with that. I'm a very happy, social, bubbly person; I cant be tied down to someone who once a month refuses to leave the house because he's having mental PMS. It started to make me feel depressed. Eventaully, it got old. Feelings dissipated like they always do and I had to break it off. I broke his heart. That doesn't make me feel good at all.

We talk every now and then, but for the most part I disappeared from his life. I broke up with him in the beginning of October, so we were only together for about 5 months. The relationship has ruined any sort of friendship that we had before all this began, which I think is the saddest part of it all. But, lots has happened since then, so come back and read what happened to me next....

Snow White

Monday, December 28, 2009

Has it been a year already!!!!

I know it's been awhile and we have totally been bad bloggers, especially after a very short time blogging in the first place. But Snow White is back!!! While the other two princesses are off enjoying their wonderful boyfriends, I'm still single. Now I wasn't single the whole time but we will get to that later. Quick update on Cinderella, she is actually engaged now and we are all very happy for her. She finally found the guy that she is going to spend the rest of her life with. It's actually the last guy she wrote about here on this blog. And Ariel, well she is in a relatively new relationship with a great guy that she met at school.

Now on to me, this past year has had it's ups and downs for me, I'm sure just like everyone else's. I got laid off. I made some really good friends and lost some really good friends that I regret dearly. Oh do believe I will be working on getting a few of those back. I had a great boyfriend who adored me, and I broke it off because I wasn't feeling it anymore. What do you do though? Stay when someone loves you more than you could ever love them? I just dont think that's fair to do to someone. But, I'm not looking back anymore, I'm moving forward, I'm not going to be mopey or depressing, I won't do that to you, I promise.

I do have lots of stories though to catch you up on that happened over the past year, but I think this is a good start for now. So, I'm packing 2009 away right next to 2008, hopefully 2010 will bring some good times, good friends, and fun stories, I mean what else could a princess ask for?? BTW, I start back in school January 4th, you know what that means, I'm going to be surrounded by cute younger guys who wont know what hit them when they get a hold of me. I'm not going to lie, some of them might need therapy afterwards. Oh yeah, 2010 is going to be a fun year.

Write back soon,
Snow White

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's the month for Love, or Not...

Funny thing is that this is one of my favorite times of year...I love to shower my man with little gifts and have romantic dinner and other activities... Yet, here I am...Another lonely year of being alone. Okay, it's a little too early to say whether I'll be alone or not. I'm sort of just counting on it.
I'd really rather be with Beanie Boy, but seeing as how he hasn't contacted me in exactly a week as of today, I'm sure we're done. And the best part of this is that I can't seem to get him out of my head. He's the last thing I think about at night and the first thing I think about in the morning. How ridiculous is it to be infatuated with someone that doesn't give a shit! Of course I should've known this...He is only 24, and plans to travel the world...Doesn't want to be tied down...What bullshit! This really sucks... He's probably the best person I've dated in a year or so, and it has to end like this... After all of the late night phone calls...After dinner with his Mom...After everything that was good, and not enough time to even have any bad...I don't understand why people are so quick to leave. What happened to finding someone to share your life with?
Well, whatever...I guess that's what I want, but since the male species has something against it, I'll just have to give up. Yes, I'm done. I don't even want to think about dating anyone.
And on top of it all, the guy with my coat keeps trying to hang out, and he's driving me nuts! Probably because I don't really want to see him, I want to see Beanie Boy! I know...I've got to get over it. And yes...
There will be better....
Someday...That's what I keep saying anyway...
It's just that coat guy might want me, but he's kind of an ass. And now, I'm not sure that I like that...I'd rather be with Beanie Boy. Sweet. Argh! I am so sick of dating....

gives up searching for love...

An Article from MSN-Dating like a Man

When’s the last time you saw a guy walk into a bar or party looking useless and confused? Okay, so it was yesterday. Were you interested in him? No? Shocker. That’s because most guys walk into a place with a purpose. Unless they’re looking for a space to park their binder filled with original Star Trek drawings, they’re looking for friends or women. And you should look the same. When you walk into a place, act like you know where the hell you’re going, even if you don’t. Everyone will wonder who you are and why you’re there, but they’ll never think you’re useless and confused.

Got your eye on someone? Good. Don’t shy away. Look him straight in the eye and think, You should be attached to my lips by now; why aren’t you? Trust me, he’ll read your thoughts like they’re projected above your head on a wide-screen.

Look, no one cares about what anyone else has to say. They just don’t. But what you have to do is pretend that you do. Ask about their life, their job, their parents, anything to keep them talking. Because the more fake interest you show in them, the easier it is to disarm them. Guys are used to talking about themselves, as are we all, but if you actually fake an interest, they kind of don’t know what to do. Like puppies trapped in a cage in the window of a pet shop, they are addicted to the interest you show in them. Tap the glass. Watch them lick your fingers.

You’re at the bar, you’re talking to him, it’s been hours, and still nothing has happened. Do us all a favor: Kiss the idiot. For one thing, he’s not going to not appreciate it. For another, if you don’t do it, someone else will. There are two ways to take control of a situation like this, whether you’re at a bar or a wedding or an inauguration.Way #1: Lean forward and say, “You have the cutest lips!”Way #2: Lean forward and say, “Are you going to kiss me now or WHAT?”Way #2, obviously, puts the ball in his court and makes him feel in control, even though, really, you’ve just instructed him to kiss you, which is pretty much what you wanted him to do in the first place.You can always take control by just telling him to do what he probably wanted to do anyway; whether it’s kissing you or getting you a cab home. Tell him what to do. He’ll like it.

Do you want sex? No, really, do you? Because men do. And that’s pretty much all they want from you until they get to know you and your sense of humor and how you put on your shoes in that cute way that no one else does. And until you realize that sleeping together is not an invitation to Boyfriendville, you’re screwed. He just wants to have sex with you. And you? You want to have sex with him. So do it already. Enjoy it. Tell him what you want.

This is so incredibly important. Give him your name. Give him a fake cell number. In this age of the Internet, anyone can find you if they want to, but, that being said, it doesn’t mean you should hand out your cell phone number to every last guy you happen to sleep with. Tell him what you do for a living, but don’t tell him where you work. Give him your e-mail address, but don’t tell him what you do. Do not divulge all of your personal details. Why?

And you will not want him to. And you will be all, “Oh. Hi. Yeah. Um....” And he will be all, “Yeah. You. And me. And....” And you will feel like a man for the first time in your life, and you will say, “It was really nice meeting you the other night, but I have to floss my cat three times a day and I’m in charge of the electricity for the Chrysler building and why don’t we just ... hook up later in the year. When I’m willing to?” And he will be all sad and lonely and want to see you again, and you will think, Wait, who IS this guy? And then you will be sorry that you handed out your personal information to a potential stalker.

So you’ve had sex. Good for you! Guess what? You never have to talk to each other ever again if you don’t want to. Know why? It's not required to talk after sex. If you had a good time but you don’t want to date him, don’t call him. If you had a good time and you do want to date him ... don’t call him. Know why? Because you just had a one-night stand. And one-night stands, barring unforeseen circumstances, will never wind up in a relationship.

Not to go all Samantha on you or anything, but seriously, one-night stands are awesome. No muss no fuss, no strings, possibly good sex, no worry about the following morning or possible dating situations. One-night stands ... they have their merit. Do we all want a sexual partner with whom we can tell our deepest secrets and joys? Sure. Do we all want the occasional make-out session against a chain-link fence behind a bar with no consequences? Hell. Yeah. Never shall the two meet. Unless we’re really lucky.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Okay, so I really freaked out this weekend. I mean I had reason to…Hello. No phone call all weekend. Well, last night he called. Finally. And I guess he was so sick he had to go to the ER. Poor boy. I guess I can’t be that upset. Besides we’re not in a relationship. And not everyone thinks like I do. He called…Finally.

So I’m not as upset. But I will back off a little. I really don’t need to be so stressed out right now anyway. I have so much school and I have to deal with my finances.

I just really don’t want to be treated like crap, or disrespected. I really don’t think that I can handle another guy that disappears…So whether Beanie Boy and I work out or not I have to remember my Self. I’ll go into that another time.

Just wanted to update you, let you know that I freaked out. And things are ok.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I don't understand why this keeps happening to me! Really? What is SO WRONG with ME?

I know that I like things a certain way. I know that I can be wild and out of control. But I can also be the most caring and selfless person when it comes to a guy I care about. I may be uptight about some things, but I can also be very easy going at the same time. I like to have fun. I'm usually always doing something. I'm working on my education which will in turn give me a better opportunity in the business world. So WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!!!

I just don't understand how things can go from phone calls everyday, spending time together and talking about everything under the sun and moon, to nothing...I know that we can get busy, but if you really like someone you will text or call. Or return a call. I feel so broken right now. And this isn't like when my relationships ended. This is like me putting myself out there, to someone I don't know. Not expecting anything out of it, and then actually liking the guy...come to find out that he is too imature to be with me. He's not ready for a girlfriend. He's selfish, and has too many things to do in life.

Who said that you have to do these things while being single? Who made up this rule!? What happened to the days when you could find someone that you really like and want to be around, and then do everything you want to do and do stuff together too! Why is this impossible?

I have NO idea....I am tired... I am tired of tears...I am tired of opening up to people... And I am tired...

I have lost all faith in Love. I really don't think that it's in my plan for this lifetime... I know that I am only 26, but really I've dated about 15-20 people in the past 13 months... And only about 5 of them were people I actually thought could be boyfriend material...

BTW, Beanie boy has fallen off the face of the Earth. I texted once and called once...Nothing...In three days.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Crazy Ass Ex

Snow White here with a doisy......

Well, we said that we would have some great stories for you and boy do I have a good one. So, I’m sitting at my new house with a bunch of friends yesterday watching football and having a grand ole’ time until my phone starts ringing off the hook with a blocked number. I don’t answer it the first couple of times because I don’t answer the phone if I don’t know who it is – this is because I tend to give my number out to the most random people when I’m out and about. So I finally answer the phone because they continue to call, and who is it you ask? It’s The Ex’s new girlfriend…….. I know you are probably thinking weird…… Me too. So, she is calling because she wants to know what exactly is going on between us. I proceed to tell her that we aren’t dating or anything but we still do occasionally SLEEP together – not sex sleep, just sleep. That he tells me all the time that he still loves me and wishes that we could just figure it out and be together.

You can imagine that she isn’t very happy with this information. She was told that we were just best friends but that I was still in love with him and he would cancel plans with her to hangout with me because he felt bad for me and didn’t want to hurt my feelings. WTF??? Hurt my feelings??? He was the one who wanted to spend every single waking moment with me!!!!! And here’s the good part – she also tells me that I should know that he has all my passwords for my bank account and phone records and that he has been spying on me for the last 3-4 months. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!!! This is why she thought something weird was going on because if we weren’t dating why the hell would he care what I was doing, right? So she gets smart, steals my number from his phone and calls me. I know this all sounds very high school, believe me yesterday I thought I went back in time 8 years and could see myself sitting on the bleachers meeting with this girl and swapping stories.

After being on the phone for about an hour and a half with this chick getting every single piece of info from each other, I get off the phone with her and immediately call him. He answers and I say very calmly “Guess who I just got off the phone with? Your girlfriend you fucking piece of shit!!!” I then proceed to hang up. He doesn’t call me back for about an hour because he was on the phone with her trying to explain everything to her. He then calls me and was being very apologetic and saying a lot of bullshit, I can barely contain myself at this point and am so pissed. He explains that he is in love with both of us and that he’s sorry and that things just started to get out of control. And I say “I don’t care who the fuck you’re in love with, YOU STOLE MY PASSWORDS AND INVADED MY PRIVACY!!! You were one step away from becoming stalker guy who follows me around and hides outside of my house peeking through my windows. YOU ARE FUCKING PYSCHO!!!!”

Needless to say, I’m glad I already moved out. At least I don’t have to talk to him anymore. The only problem is that we have a lot of the same friends. And we are a pretty tight group. So I am going to have to see his stupid face when we all get together. At least they all know what really happened because all of his friends were the ones at my house that day. So they heard everything…….. They all think he is a loser, serves him right.

Hopefully this is the end to this nonsense.

P.S. Gym Monkey and I are planning another Ghost Hunting trip, I'll let you know how that goes......

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Confused, Ariel...

It's nearing the end of the first month in 2009, and here I am still confused as ever. I thought that by being carefree and fun, I wouldn't care anymore. And I'd be able to just date and...basiclly have fun.

But NO. It's Ariel you're talking about...
So, I went on a few dates with the tall guy. All he wanted was that thing that every guy wants. And now...I've managed to leave my nice coat at his freakin house! Crap, I've got to get that.

And Beanie Boy...Well, we had a relationship talk the other day...He wants to take things slow, but he really likes me...Well, at the time of the conversation I was thinking (Well, I'm dating two guys right now..So, I should take things slow...No need to commit...) and then (it hit me...I really do like this guy, and now I'm probably going to be hurt...) So, I should probably be honest with him about wanting to be in a relationship. This isn't ok with me, not being in one...But I want to take it slow too, because I don't want to be in another bad relationship.
Confused...I am so Confused...