Thursday, November 27, 2008

The end of SweaterVest

So here I am a week later...(this is the dating world in it's ugly truth)...Yes, Sweatervest ended up committing to going out on Friday. But on Wed. we also made plans to go out on that same Saturday... So after staying at his house and "you know what" on Friday, I asked if we were still on for Saturday night.
Where he reconfirmed the plans, "yes, I'm going to watch the Coug game and then we'll go out."
So 330pm hits and he calls, drunk as all hell. Says he'll call again in a few hours, he wants to watch a few more games...(all the while, I'm thinking,'s football, I understand)
To his word, he calls at 630 or so, tells me he's eating some fast food (which voids our dinner plans) and asks me "what I'm up to tonight."
WTHell!!!! I am thourghly confused at this point!!! I thought we had dinner plans. I thought he was really into me, considering we've been dating for two months or so now and everything is going good. (so I thought)... I'm pissed so I ask him what he is doing in my "I"m don with your crap tone of voice" and confirm that I'll call him when I'm done with dinner...

So SweaterVest ends up texting me, saying that "I"m down to hang out tonight, but I have to get up early"....(Interpretation: Dude, if you want to hang out come over, but I don't really care)...

So I respond: " Oh, that's ok, I'm hanging out with some friends, call me later"

And that's it...Haven't heard a word since.

Now I ask...WTH!!! Dating for two months and I don't even get a response. For fuck's sake! I guess he wasn't into me! What was I thinking! I honestly feel like I was dating a 21 year old. How funny...Because he was 25, and out of college....

Must be a prime example of: He's just not that into me.
Too bad it took Two months to find this out! I really wish he would've come out and said that he wasn't looking for a real relationship.
And now I feel used, and done...I don't want anything to do with men... I highly doubt that I can find anyone that appreciates me for who I am in the next 6 months or so...


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