Tuesday, December 29, 2009

This is Why You Should Never Date Friends

Ok, so I thought that I would tell you about the boyfriend that I broke up with a couple of months ago. I've known him for years as he is a really good friend of my Crazy Ass Ex. Let me explain here, I normally have very strict rules on who I date -
1. Never date your friend's current or ex-boyfriends
2. Never date ex-boyfriend's friends
3. Never date someone who has a girlfriend (if you know, you are just as bad as the cheater)
4. Never date people with bad hygeine - cause that's just gross.

It all started in April.....I'm going to have to admit, I had been drinking (shocking, right?), and I had just gotten into another ridiculous fight with my ex, so I was feeling a little bitter at the time. It's all a little fuzzy on how it actually started but somehow BS (those are his initials, I cant think of a better name right now) and I end up making out. Now later we come to find out that we have both been attracted to each other for over a year. But since I was dating his friend there was zero chance of anything ever happening. Well, piss a girl off and things that were off the table just got put back on.

We started seriously dating after that, needless to say it ruined any friendship either of us had with The Ex. We didnt care, we were in love. He was hilarious, and I dont mean chuckle every now and then funny, I mean tears rolling down your face on an hourly basis funny. He was charming, he had a good job, he got along with my family (which is a very big deal to me, my parents have hated almost every boyfriend I've ever had), he got along with all my friends, and the sex was mind-blowing. I was turned into a bubbly, giggling, girly mess. I know you know what I mean when I say that, people in love are annoying. Annoying because we are jealous.

I thought I was in heaven, Until little things started happening, he mentioned he never wanted to be married or have kids. Now, I'm not saying that I want any of that right away, but eventually I would like to do these things. And it was constant, he just couldn't let it go. Then I found out he had these weird depressing moments that would last about a week. This may sound heartless, but I cant deal with that. I'm a very happy, social, bubbly person; I cant be tied down to someone who once a month refuses to leave the house because he's having mental PMS. It started to make me feel depressed. Eventaully, it got old. Feelings dissipated like they always do and I had to break it off. I broke his heart. That doesn't make me feel good at all.

We talk every now and then, but for the most part I disappeared from his life. I broke up with him in the beginning of October, so we were only together for about 5 months. The relationship has ruined any sort of friendship that we had before all this began, which I think is the saddest part of it all. But, lots has happened since then, so come back and read what happened to me next....

Snow White


"Seattle" Heather said...

Ohh Girrrrrrl I can't wait to read what happens next!!!! :)

Buttercupyaya said...

NICE update. :) I am glad you have done it, and are still the same (relatively) Alexis. :) All the parts I love about you are still there! :) :) :)

Talk soon.